, pub-6654831360117413, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Covid-19 säkert | Gitarrlektioner
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Tränar gitarr

Corona certified

Due to the situation around CORONA:

It should be safe and secure to visit / play with us and you can feel completely safe to play with us! We handle the current situation extremely professionally.

We stay updated through the relevant authorities and follow the directives that are given. Our highest priority is, as always, the health and well-being of our students and staff!


We only teach one person at a time, with a distance of two / three meters between teacher and student. Waiting family members / friends are waiting outside in the lobby or in the kitchen.


Our large and airy rooms are professionally cleaned and disinfected every day by a cleaning company AND by ourselves. The public areas, lobby, toilets, kitchen, etc. are also cleaned by a cleaning company on an extended schedule. We have a very good / close and personal contact with all students and their families and no one plays if they have the slightest symptoms. The same goes for us teachers! We are healthy and fit and take NO RISKS. Soap and hot water as well as rubbing alcohol are of course on site! If you are worried or can not come, we also teach ONLINE

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